Sunday, February 7, 2010

Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery

Montgomery, L.M. (1994). Anne of green gables. London, England: Puffin Books.


Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert, aging siblings, live on Green Gables in Prince Edwards Island, Nova Scotia. Deciding that they need help on the farm, Marilla and Matthew send for an orphan. However, when Matthew arrives at the station, there has been a mistake and Anne Shirley has been sent instead. Anne is a precocious child full of wonder, excitement and mischief, who turns Green Gables upside down.

Advisory Information:


a. Coming of Age Story: The reader sees how Anne’s life at Green Gables affects her growth and outlook. She changes from a young girl into a woman.

b. Illustration of the time period for today’s readers (social norms, ways of life, morals, etc.): This novel takes place just about the turn of the century, where readers can witness a simpler time. Where the land was of great importance, and social decorum was to be strictly upheld.

c. importance of friendship: Throughout the novel the reader sees how friendship plays a crucial role in Anne’s life. Her bosom friend, Diana, allows us to compare Anne’s character growth to that of a more subdued character of Diana. Gilbert also allows comparison as Anne’s sworn enemy throughout most of the book.

d. importance of family: Marilla’s and Matthew’s lives are enriched by Anne. This book promotes how the lives of loved ones can intersect each other and change everything. Family is where the Cuthbert’s and Anne learn acceptance, and remembrance of loved ones who have since passed.

-Age Recommendation:
I would recommend this book to intermediate readers aged 10 and up. I think that younger readers probably would not be able to relate to Anne, while 10 year olds would still be enthralled with the descriptions, characters, and themes.

-Other Information:

Anne of Green Gables takes place on Prince Edwards Island.


Having grown up with the Wonderworks production of Anne of Green Gables with Megan Follows, I had an idea of the plot line and characters in the story. While some of the descriptions of Green Gables became a little overbearing, overall the innocence and time period of the story really capture the reader. Anne’s character is so well loved because of her mistakes. Unfortunately, I do not feel that this book would be one which most boys would voluntarily read, however, I think even they can appreciate some of the catastrophes that Anne gets herself into.