Monday, February 8, 2010

The Subway Mouse by Barbara Reid

Reid, B. (2005). The subway mouse. New York: Scholastic Inc.


A young mouse named Nib grew up on the tracks of a subway, dreaming of Tunnel’s End. Tunnel’s End was the outside world with all of its dangers and beauties. One day Nib’s cousins move in and take over Nib’s nest. Nib then decides to find Tunnel’s End. Along the way he meets another mouse named Lola, and together they search the subway tunnels for Tunnel’s End.

Advisory Information:


a. Dedication: Nib and Lola do not give up their search for Tunnel’s End.

b. Survival: Nib and Lola must adapt to their new lifestyle in Tunnel’s End.

c. Growing up and becoming your own person (or in this case, mouse): This is not really a coming of age story, but it does promote the idea of moving out of the house and establishing your own identity. Nib initially feels defined by the objects he collects in Sweetfall, however, once he moves, he must adapt to his new lifestyle.

d. Believing in your dreams: Nib does not know whether or not Tunnel’s End exists. His journey is a testament to his perserverance.

Age Recommendation:

This picture book would be excellent for young children ages 3 to 7.

Other Information:

“The illustrations were made with plasticine that is shaped and pressed onto illustration board. Acrylic paint, found objects, and other materials are used for special effect” (found in the book on the bibliographic information page).


The illustrations in this book are very well done. It has a 3-dimensional look, with almost like a clay appearance. Detail is etched into the plasticine, and other objects are used in the background or for explanation of the text. It is the pictures and not the text, which really sets this book a part from others. While I would not consider this a bad book, the storyline is a basic adventure story with few obstacles for the protagonist to overcome. This is most likely due to the age level the story is aimed at.